How to Buy the Right Soil

by | Oct 18, 2013 | Business

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There is actually a lot of science that goes into the creation of soil for retail. There is much more to it than just removing it from the ground and then selling it to a customer. Soil mixtures can be created to meet certain needs. This could include needs like turf building, plant mixtures, palm tree mixtures, or even soil that is specifically designed for landscaping. All of the options are organic, but they involve the mixing of several other different ingredients to make the right mixture to meet the desired needs.

Identify the Need

To buy Soil in San Diego, CA first start by determining the exact need. Take, for example, turf building. There is actually a type of soil mixture combination that is specifically good for turf building. They typically use a combination of clay, silt, sand, and a nitrogen based type of compost. This mixture is particularly good at holding the root systems of grass. It also keeps the grass seeds from eroding away while they germinate and take hold to the soil. Each type of soil mixture is intended for a specific purpose.

Amending the Soil

Another option to consider when buying soil in San Diego, CA is whether or not to add soil amendments. These are basically organic products that can be added to the existing soil moisture to add even more benefits. An example of a soil amendment might be perlite. This is a volcanic glass that has a very high water content. Perlite is often added to improve the effects of drainage in the soil. It is a perfect amendment for slow draining areas or for use in potting mixtures.

Potting Soil

Speaking of potting mixtures. This is also another option for purchasing soil. Most soil mixtures are made to meet a set of general needs. Potting mixtures are more specific in the needs that they address. An example here might be a planting mixture that is specific to the Azalea plant. These potting mixtures will help to maximize the overall growth of the specific plant that the mixture was designed for.

Having the right soil in the ground can and will make a huge difference in the overall growth and health of the plants. Don’t just plant in the basic soil of San Diego. The difference when using mixtures is quite noticeable.

Greatsoil DBA Peirano Topsoils offers top quality soil products for your garden and landscaping need in San Diego, CA. Click here to know more.

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