Your wisdom teeth may not make you wiser, but they can sure cause a lot of tooth pain. Many in the West Loop live with it and shouldn’t. These pains can be caused for many reasons, such as not having enough bone structure in the back of the jaw or not having enough room in the mouth. They come up in the very back behind the other teeth and usually start erupting between the ages of 17 and 24, depending on your genes and other considerations. In most cases, they can’t come through entirely and may continue trying, causing severe pains and other problems.
Difference Between Normal And Abnormal Pains
Most people hate painful situations and try to avoid them by getting regular cleanings and checkups. However, when a wisdom tooth comes in, you are likely to feel some pain, which is typical eruption discomfort. Think of a child who has teeth coming in; they are usually irritable and cry because of it. However, when the pains become severe or you it becomes impacted, you may notice swelling, bad breath, bad tastes in the mouth, pus from the swollen area, aching while opening the mouth, and difficulty opening your mouth.
The Problems Associated With Them
These teeth can cause many problems, such as decay and gum disease. Because they may not come up fully or may become impacted, it can lead to growths, more bacteria that can’t be removed, and even decay of surrounding teeth.
In most cases, the best treatment is to have these teeth removed, either all at once or as they try to erupt.
Wisdom tooth pain in the West Loop can be quite common, but you don’t have to live with it. Visit Washington Dental Care today to learn more and make an appointment.