How to Determine if You Need Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Tulsa, OK

by | Dec 18, 2019 | Lawyers

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Medical malpractice is, unfortunately, common in today’s medical industry. According to Medical Malpractice Center, medical malpractice is the third leading cause of death in the United States. This means that it’s possible that you may find yourself in need of medical malpractice lawyers in Tulsa, OK.

What Qualifies as Medical Malpractice?

There are many instances of medical negligence that qualifies as medical malpractice. In general there are three qualifications for a medical malpractice suit:

  • There must have been a violation of the standard of care.
  • An injury of some type must have occurred (physical or mental).
  • The injury must have caused significant changes in the patient’s mental or physical well-being.

Are There Any Gray Areas?

The qualifications for medical malpractice are pretty cut and dry. However, informed consent can make a huge difference. If a patient doesn’t give a doctor permission to perform a procedure and it results in injury, this is considered medical malpractice even if the procedure was done perfectly. This is why you have to sign so many documents when you go to the doctor. The patient must also be informed if the risk of amputation is greater than 30%. If not, and an amputation occurs, this is medical malpractice.

If you find yourself a victim of medical malpractice, Business Name have attorneys with over 50 years of experience ready to help you. Their attorneys are some of the most experienced medical malpractice lawyers in Tulsa, OK. Contact them at website domain to schedule an appointment for a consultation.

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