How To Evaluate Articles On America And Prophecy

by | Aug 12, 2014 | Religion

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If you are like most Americans, especially those that consider themselves to be Christians, you most likely access a wide variety of biblical teaching on a regular basis. Many of these teachings, especially in times like today when world events, disasters and domestic problems are so common, focus in on America and prophecy in the bible.

However, as a Christian it is essential to be able to evaluate these teachings about America and prophecy and to avoid falling to the trap of misinformation and lies that is all too common even in churches today. With just a bit of research and having the right people to talk to you can easily sort out the accurate from the inaccurate.

The Qualifications of the Writer or Speaker

One of the first things that you should do when you read or listen to anything about America and prophecy is to carefully look at who the speaker or presenter is. This is important as you can then do some background research on the person and find out what his or her training, experience and professional and spiritual reputation may be.

You may also want to speak to a religious leader that you trust and ask for an opinion on the source of the information. This is also a good way to clarify any information presented that may not match the information provided by your church leader.

Actual Scripture

There is a significant amount of writing and information on America and prophecy that has absolutely no basis in scripture. These writers, authors and editorialists have simply taken their own opinions and tried to create a scripture basis.

If specific scripture is used in part, but not in whole, or if it is used completely out of context then that is simply a way for the author to lend authority to the work that does not exist. The Bible is not designed to be read line by line without context as to the passage.

There are verses and passages in the bible that do directly relate to America and prophecy, and these are important to read and study to be educated and informed. However, taking the word of anyone providing information on the subject is not only potentially incorreTct, it is potentially spiritually harmful.

Click here to read articles on America and prophecy.

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