Based on the latest statistics, it is believed that almost 20% of the motorists in the United States are driving around without any form of vehicle insurance, which is a very risky decision when considering the harsh penalties and costly consequences that can arise from not having that documentation.
However, it’s worth mentioning that the vast majority of these uninsured drivers would actually like to have coverage, but their poor driving records are too big of a roadblock for many insurance companies.
This is exactly where SR-22 insurance comes into play.
What Is SR-22 Coverage?
To put it plainly, SR-22 insurance is basically a vehicle liability document that you keep in your car as a form of automotive coverage, and it gives you the ability to drive lawfully without having to worry about legal problems with the police or other drivers.
SR-22 insurance is often called a Certificate of Financial Responsibility, but it’s important to note that it provides the exact amount of liability coverage required by the state of Chicago.
Why Do I Need SR-22 Coverage?
This certificate is a necessity for any motorist who has been classified as riskier than the typical driver, so you might need to obtain SR-22 insurance in Chicago if you have any of the following marks on your record:
* You have been convicted of a DWI or DUI offense.
* You have a high number of points on your driver’s license.
* Police have pulled you over while driving without any type of car insurance.
* A judge has revoked or suspended your license in the past.
* You have other criminal convictions, misdemeanors, or offenses.
Who Can Provide SR-22 Certificates?
If you reach out to an authorized SR-22 provider – such as the Illinois Automobile Insurance Agency, for example – you’ll be able to work with a friendly representative to obtain this important document.
The process is quick, easy, and affordable, so be sure to visit the website of a trusted insurance company before you hit the road. You can also follow them on Twitter.