How to Get Help from a Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Greeley, CO

by | Jun 25, 2019 | Law

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Workers’ compensation benefits are available to help injured workers receive the fair benefits they are entitled to. When an injured worker is denied their benefits, they often need to seek help from a workers’ compensation attorney in Greeley, CO. Getting help from an attorney will make a big difference in the worker’s ability to overcome any obstacles preventing them from receiving benefits.

Why Do Injured Workers Need Legal Help?

When someone has been injured on the job, they need to immediately report their injuries to their employer. The employer must file an injury report with their insurance company so the process can begin. Although injured workers are entitled to receive fair benefits, this does not mean they will. When an injured worker is denied their benefits, it is their right to appeal. Getting help from the workers’ compensation attorney in Greeley, CO will help to ensure the injured worker can get the fair outcome they deserve.

What to Expect?

Employers are not always fair in settling workers’ compensation claims. Injured workers are often unfairly denied, leading to a lot of stress. Workers’ compensation benefits are meant to replace missing wages and pay for any medical care directly related to the accident on the job.

The attorney will immediately begin the pursuit of the employer and insurance company. Mediation meetings may be held to attempt to work out any disagreements on the claim. In some cases, a hearing may take place to fully resolve the dispute.

The attorney will work diligently to hold the employer accountable. The process of settling a workers’ compensation claim will likely not happen overnight, but having an attorney means the process will progress much faster.

If you have been injured on the job, it is your right to receive fair compensation benefits. For more information on these services, browse the website. With help from an attorney, the process of seeking fair compensation benefits is easier and less stressful.

Contact Richard Blundell Law Offices right away if you need legal help for your claim. They will work to protect your rights and get you the benefits you deserve.

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