How To Keep The Swimming Pool From Pool Contractor La Quinta Clean And Sanitized

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Water is a very good medium for growth of microorganisms. This is true especially for standing water such as hot tubs, water tanks and drinking water. The water in the swimming pool is not an exception. The pool can transmit bacteria, fungi, and viruses that can cause otitis externa, diarrhea, and skin infections. Sanitation and disinfection of pools are an utmost important in keeping them safe from these pathogenic microorganisms. Whether your pool was done by pool contractor La Quinta or other contractors, it is still important to keep all these things in mind.

The environment and swimmers are the primary sources of contaminants in the pool. Debris from trees, unclean water sources and spores from plants are environmental sources of dirt in outdoor pools. Swimmers that are infected with fungal diseases and those with gastroenteritis who swim in the pool can facilitate spread of diseases. Even cosmetics and lotions applied on the skin can contaminate the pool. Natural secretions of the body like sweat, saliva and urine can also disrupt the cleanliness of the pool.

The Physical and chemical quality of the pool can tell if it is properly sanitized. The appearance of the water should be clear and transparent. It should be free from floating dirt and debris. There should be no algae growing in its surface. The chemical parameters that are checked to make sure of the pool’s cleanliness are the pH and calcium hardness at levels of 7.2 to 7.8 and 80 to 120 ppm, respectively.

Chlorination is paramount to disinfecting the pool. Chlorine is able to destroy microorganisms that can cause diseases like E. coli, T. corporis, and amoeba. The pool should be chlorinated regularly to keep chlorine levels at 2 to 4 ppm. The free chlorine should not drop at a level below 1 ppm to ensure that the pool is properly disinfected. Bromine can also be used as an alternative to chlorine as a disinfectant. Its level should be kept at 8 to 4 ppm for decontamination purposes.

Consulting pool contractor La Quinta can probably tell you that there are other sophisticated ways to disinfect pools. Copper can be used to kill microorganisms. This is the principle behind copper ion system. A low voltage current is allowed to conduct through a copper bar which frees copper ions in the water. Advanced oxidation process can also be used to disinfect pools. Hydroxyl radicals are used to remove both organic and inorganic contaminants from the water. Both the copper ion system and advanced oxidation process can be an additional way of decontaminating large and heavily used pools like public and commercial pools.

Equipment that keeps the pool clean should always be functional. These include the water pump, filtration unit and skimmer. The water pump is the main mechanism of the pool that ensures water circulation. This makes sure that the pool is regularly replaced with clean water. Filtration units may be made of sand or diatomaceous earth. They sift the water being released by the water pump into the pool. Skimmers are responsible for keeping the pool’s surface free from floating leaves and other debris.

The cleanliness of the pool is a very important aspect that should not be disregarded. Contacting the local pool service, like pool contractor La Quinta, in the vicinity to help maintain the cleanliness of the pool should be done regularly. Sanitation will keep swimmers safe from diseases and maintain the integrity of the pool especially if it is used in business.

I hope you like this article. For more information about swimming pool contractor La Quinta area, you can take advantage at Website online today!

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