If You Have Been Charged With a Crime Involving Drugs You Need a Drug Lawyer in Reading

by | May 8, 2014 | Attorney, Lawyers

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If you have been arrested for selling, delivering or possession of illegal drugs you need an attorney skilled in this area of the law, and you need to contact them immediately. The penalties for these charges can be harsh and very hard on you and your family. You may not have done anything which violates the drug laws, but the authorities have decided to charge you regardless. You cannot imagine the ways that police and prosecutors can go after a drug case.

If you have been stopped by the police and you and your vehicle has been searched, any drugs found may not be your drugs but you will be charged. If the police do not have your permission to search your person or your vehicle, then there is a question about the usefulness of the findings.

Police can use a variety of methods to apprehend drug sellers and users, but some of these methods are not legal. If any were used in your arrest, the Drug Lawyer in Reading will be able to get this evidence declared inadmissible. The value of using an experienced drug attorney is their ability to work with the prosecutor in a way which enables both parties to have an amicable discussion. It is important to have this relationship because the prosecutor is more willing to look at evidence which was illegally obtained before going to court. Illegally obtained evidence will always be argued as admissible unless the prosecutor is convinced otherwise.

There are so many laws covering drugs, and you need a skilled attorney who understands each one. An experienced attorney who has handled drug cases successfully is the attorney you need. The Law Offices of Sodomsky and Nigrini has attorneys who have been successful in winning acquittal and getting charges dismissed.

You can imagine how society views a person charged with a crime involving drugs, and therefore, you need an attorney who can present your case if it goes to trial with a polished professional effort and the ability to question witnesses testifying against you with a disarming manner but one which gets the truth through the use of skillfully prepared questions. A Drug Lawyer in Reading is also one of these lawyers who has handled enough drug cases to make a case for acquittal.

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