Important Information to Protect Your Workers’ Compensation Rights from a Workers Comp Attorney in Burlington VT

by | May 30, 2015 | Lawyers

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If you live in Vermont and have been injured at work, you probably are already aware somewhat of your right to workers’ compensation. However, there is additional information that often gets left out, sometimes erroneously, that may help you recover all that you are supposed to concerning your injury. A Workers Comp Attorney in Burlington VT has over four decades of experience with the laws of Vermont. Here are some things of which you should be aware of workers’ comp.

1. Just to ensure you know all of what you are entitled to, the workers’ comp benefits include medical benefits, permanency benefits, vocational benefits, temporary disability benefits, and if necessary, death benefits for your surviving spouse or family members. You may receive one or more of these benefits.

2. When going through the claims process, remember these three things of the professional protocol: Do not threaten or swear at the insurance company or the insurance company’s legal representative. As popular as Facebook is, or other social media, don’t post anything that could even remotely be incriminating about the status of your condition. Do not ignore phone calls, emails or letters that come to you from the Vermont Department of Labor or the insurance company with whom you are in dispute.

3. The moment you are injured at work if at all possible, contact your employer immediately. If you can’t, prepare ahead of time and ensure that you have a responsible person who can contact on your behalf. Click here to get more information.

4. File or have someone file on your behalf the document, Form 5. This lets the Vermont Department of Labor know that you have been injured.

5. Get your health care provider to issue documentation on your behalf if you are going to miss work due to the injury.

McVeigh Skiff LLP is a law firm in Burlington, Vermont that has been offering workers’ compensation and other legal solutions for clients for over 40 years. Because everyone is not completely clear on how worker’s comp laws work, even employers, the law firm interprets the workers comp laws as it pertains to Vermont. Clients are assured their rights will be protected. If you need a Workers Comp Attorney in Burlington VT, you can visit McVeigh-Skiff at their website, Website URL.

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