Important Services Offered by a Local Veterinarian in Olathe KS

by | Feb 4, 2019 | Veterinarians

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When you bring a pet into your home, you become responsible for the health and well-being of that animal. Both dogs and cats require specialized health care that can only be provided by a Veterinarian in Olathe KS. There are many health services that you should consider for your family pet.


Shelters are always full. Stray animals roam the streets. With so many homeless animals out there, it’s important for all pet owners to sterilize their furry friends. Sterilization is the only way to prevent unwanted litters. Both indoor and outdoor pets should be spayed or neutered while they are young.

Sterilizing your pets also comes with health benefits. Neutering completely eliminates the risk of testicular cancer in males. Spayed females have a lower risk of developing mammary cancer. The risk of ovarian and uterine cancer is eliminated. Sterilized pets are also less likely to roam or get into fights with other animals.


There are many different diseases that can harm your pet. Thankfully, many of these diseases can be prevented with a simple vaccine. A Veterinarian in Olathe KS can provide you with a recommended schedule of vaccinations, depending on your pet’s individual needs.

Both cats and dogs should be vaccinated for rabies. Since humans can also catch rabies, most states have laws in place that require all cats and dogs to have a current rabies vaccine. Other vaccines may protect your household pet from specific viruses or bacteria.


Annual checkups are recommended for both cats and dogs. Pets are notorious for hiding if they are sick or in pain. Many owners don’t realize their animal is unwell until it’s too late. During an annual checkup, your vet will do a full physical examination. Blood work may be ordered, and they may take a fecal sample to test for parasites.

As a responsible pet owner, it’s up to you to provide your pet with proper health care. Keep an open line of communication with your vet, and discuss any physical or temperamental changes you notice in your pet. Be sure to click here to learn about other services provided by a local veterinarian. You can also visit them on Google My Business.

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