Important Things a Person Needs to Know About Divorce and Family Law in Columbus, IN

by | Feb 22, 2019 | Law

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Keeping a relationship going over the years can be extremely challenging. If the people involved in a relationship aren’t compatible, they will typically fight on a regular basis. There may come a time when a married couple decides that divorce is the best way to deal with the problems they have.

The stress and worry that comes with going through a divorce will only get worse if there are children involved. While a divorce can get ugly, a couple will need to work hard to keep things civil for the sake of their children. The following are just some of the things a person needs to know regarding divorce and Family Law in Columbus IN.

Children Have Rights

One of the biggest misconceptions most people have regarding their children is that they have a right to get equal time with them. Regardless of what a person pays in child support, that responsibility does not give them the right to force a child to spend equal time with them. Instead of trying to fight for equal time, parents need to think about what is right for the child.

If a child is in a good school and has friends, the last thing a parent wants to do is pull them away from this positive environment. By thinking about what is best for the child and then working from there, parents can agree on a custody arrangement that works for everyone involved.

Avoid Weaponizing Children During a Divorce

During the divorce proceedings, things will often get heated. Some parents use the tactic of pitting parent against child, which is never a good idea. The main concern a parent should have when going through a divorce is keeping their child out of this mess.

If at all possible, a couple will need to hash out their differences in mediation. This can help keep a child out of the courtroom, which is usually the best course of action.

Finding a professional who is familiar with Family Law in Columbus IN is essential when trying to get through a divorce. The team at Alcorn Sage Schwartz & Magrath LLP can help a person get through this difficult experience. Call them or visit the website for more information.

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