You should consult with an attorney as soon as you suffer injuries due to someones actions. Injuries can occur as a result of someones reckless, negligent, or intentional actions. Some examples of those incidences include auto accidents, dog bites, and assaults. Your injury attorneys in Marana, AZ will be able to explain the options that are available to you.
Negligence involves incidences in which the person responsible for your injuries acted negligently. For instance, if you slip and fall on someones property because they failed to fix something that should have been fixed, they may be found negligent. You should not have to pay for your own medical care, or be left to suffer because of someones negligence. An attorney will be able to help you.
Reckless: Recklessness is often found in automobile accidents, especially when the responsible party was speeding, texting, or drinking and driving. Reckless driving can lead to serious automobile accidents involving extensive injuries and even death. Injury Attorneys at PRICE and PRICE Law firm can help you recover monetary damages if you are involved in an accident in which the other driver is found to have been driving recklessly.
Intentional actions: This type of injury often involves incidences such as assaults, batteries, or defamation of character. In these cases the responsible party intentionally did something to cause you harm. In many cases involving intentional actions the victim may not come forward because they do not believe they have a legal case. If you are injured due to someone’s intentional actions you need to sit down with an attorney, even if you do not have physical injuries. Not all personal injury cases involve physical injuries.
You should never wait to speak to an attorney, especially if you have been injured in an accident. The courts have time limits in which you can file claims against the person who injured you. When you suffer injuries due to someones actions you may be entitled to have your medical bills paid. You may also be entitled to compensatory damages related to those injuries. Your attorney will help you receive the settlement that you deserve so that you do not have to suffer needlessly.