One of the biggest responsibilities of your Injury Lawyer in Bel Air is to prove who was at fault for the accident you have filed a personal injury claim for. Unfortunately, proving who was liable for an accident is not always as simple as it should be. After all, when two vehicle owners get in an auto accident do you expect either one of the drivers to stand up and say they are sorry that the accident was there fault? The vast majority of the time most drivers are quick to blame the other driver.
When your Injury Lawyer in Bel Air is trying to determine who is at fault for the accident the answer is usually whichever driver was being the most careless. Basically, this just means it needs to be questioned whether you or the other driver were being more careful. There are a few things that your lawyer will look at in order to prove fault including:
1. Was the injured person somewhere they were not supposed to be? Should the injured person have been able to anticipate the accident happening?
2. Was the injured person also being careless?
3. Did the injury happen at a place of business? If so, the employer could end up being responsible for the accident.
4. Did the injury happen on a specific piece of property? If so, the property owner could end up being responsible.
5. Did the injury happen because of a defective product? If so, the manufacturer could end up being to blame.
There are situations where an accident is not always one person’s fault. A car wreck, for example, could have been caused by several different people. How do you determine who is financially responsible for an accident that was more than one person’s fault? Typically, if the accident was caused by more than one person everyone would be responsible for their own injuries and damages. The only exception would be if there was someone involved in the accident who had nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, proving fault and no fault can be really complicated when there are several people involved and several people who caused it to happen.