Is Your Home Due for a Furnace Replacement in St. George, UT?

by | Jan 31, 2018 | Air Conditioning

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You may have used your home’s furnace for a long time. If your furnace is 15 to 18 years old, you need to consider having it replaced. According to the organization Consumer Reports, the usual life expectancy of a gas-fired furnace is 18 years. However, other experts in the energy field suggest that you should replace your furnace when it reaches 15 years old.

The AFUE Percentage

When you opt for a furnace replacement in St. George, UT, you can save as much as 15% on your energy usage. Today’s furnaces are designed to help you save money on your utility costs. To learn more about why installing a new furnace is recommended, you need to understand your furnace’s annual fuel utilization efficiency or AFUE percentage.

AFUE is used to denote the energy efficiency of a number of combustion appliances, including water heaters and furnaces. In order to support the idea of a furnace replacement and promote efficiency, the US government establishes the minimum AFUE for gas-fired furnaces at close to 80%. Therefore, the AFUE percentage represents the total amount of fuel used to generate heat. As a result, if a furnace has an AFUE of 80%, about 20% of the gas is not being used.

How Much Are You Spending?

To further expand on the AFUE, you need to look at the AFUE percentage in terms of what you spend. For instance, if your gas furnace has an 80% AFUE, you are paying about 80 cents on the dollar to heat your home. The remainder of the heat is lost to exhaust. By comparison, a 90% AFUE furnace allows you to spend 90 cents on the dollar for heating, which translates to more money in your savings account and less fuel consumed.

As you can see, a furnace replacement can be a very wise investment, with the emphasis placed on “investment.” By replacing an old furnace with an energy efficient model, you will spend far less on repairs and energy.

Where to Find Out More Details

If you would like to learn more about the furnaces that are currently featured in the marketplace, browse our website to obtain contact information and schedule a furnace inspection.

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