Knowing When You Need A Personal Injury Attorney in Baltimore

by | May 24, 2014 | Lawyers

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The personal injury claims process can be a bit stressful at times. Not only do you have to deal with the injuries you’ve sustained, but now you have to deal with a big-time insurance company. You’ll eventually come to a point where you’ll have to decide on whether to handle your case on your own, or seek a Personal Injury Attorney in Baltimore for assistance. The following tips should help you decide when you do and don’t need help from an attorney.

Most of the personal injuries sustained by victims are fairly minor. The legal process for these minor injuries is pretty straightforward. These injuries may be due to an automobile accident, a slip and fall, or something else. Solving these situations usually involves you signing a few documents and answering a few phone calls. On the other hand, incidents that leave you with major injuries should make you reconsider handling this process on your own.

Often times people receive severe personal injuries that leave them permanently disabled. Others have to deal with complicated incidents involving medical malpractice or defective products from a manufacturer. Because these cases are more complex, and the injuries are more severe, it would be best to consult with a Personal Injury Attorney in Baltimore.

A minor accident usually results in a quick and simple settlement. Insurance companies typically don’t have any problems paying out small settlements to individuals; the smaller the settlement the easier it is to get. However, insurance companies have a completely different approach when it comes to extremely large claims. Insurance companies want to pay you the least amount of money as they possibly can. If your injuries call for too much compensation, be prepared for the insurance company to push back.

It can be hard to stand up against a big-time insurance company all by yourself. These companies have several lawyers on retainer to handle this kind of legal situation. But before you step into court, you can negotiate a reasonable settlement amount. However, in order to do this you’ll need an attorney. Insurance adjusters will take you much more seriously with an attorney by your side. A personal injury attorney can put you in a better position to get the settlement you deserve.

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