Looking for Independent Living Apartments in Stamford, CT? Take Advantage of Your Local Free-of-Charge Advisory Service

by | Oct 26, 2017 | Assisted Living

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When it comes time to assess the local independent living apartments in Stamford, CT, you’ll have to facilitate some phone calls and in-person meetings in order to ascertain the most suitable decision. Shown below are the most important questions to ask:

* Are you currently enrolling new residents? If not, how long is the wait list?

* Which services, amenities, and healthcare provisions come included within your fee?

* Are there any additional services that you can provide on demand?

* Which forms of payment do you accept and how does your pricing matrix look?

* Do you provide transition assistance?

* Do you have any value-added on-site features such as a fitness center, spa, communal dining room, religious services, barbershop, salon, or pre-scheduled activities?

* Is maintenance and general upkeep included within the fee?

* Do you provide Alzheimer’s assistance and memory care?

* What is your staff turnover rate and is your staff certified?

* Can you provide all of the necessary forms and checklists?

Avoiding the Legwork

As you can see by now, there are many nuanced questions and targeted queries that need to be answered during your investigative efforts, especially if you’ve never researched the local independent living apartments before. However, you can skip all of the tumult associated with this undertaking simply by reaching out to a renowned senior living advisory team, such as Oasis Senior Advisors – Fairfield County. Shown below are the benefits of working with one of these senior living consultants:

Free Service

Regardless of whether you happen to be looking for assisted living accommodations, memory care facilities, or independent living apartments, it’s important to note that these professional advisory services are free of charge to you and your family. You won’t owe a single dime.

Top-to-Bottom Assistance

From your healthcare requirements and lifestyle desires to your locational inclinations, budgetary concerns, and accommodation preferences, you’ll be able to identify all of the most important features, characteristics, and aspects of your ideal late-life living situation. Then, your advisor will conduct an exhaustive search to find the perfect retirement community based on your wishes; he or she will also help facilitate the enrollment and move-in process as well.

Don’t waste your time on laborious research and tedious site visits. Contact a trusted senior living advisor instead! You can also like them on Facebook for more information.

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