Makeover Your Fireplace With Refacing in NJ

by | Oct 22, 2013 | Construction and Maintenance

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The fireplace in your home is the major focal point of the room it’s in. That is why you want to make sure your fireplace adds charm, ambiance and comfort to your home. One of the good things about a fireplace is the fact that you can totally remodel it, upgrade it and totally change the look of that particular space. This doesn’t mean that you have to completely rebuild your fireplace. One of the best ways to attain a different look is with fireplace refacing in NJ. Here is some basic fireplace refacing ideas from Stone Patio Professionals.

One of the most popular products for fireplace refacing in NJ is the stone veneer. This is a widely used product that is designed to replicate the look of real stone. Veneer is usually about an inch thick and usually doesn’t weigh a whole lot. The manufactured stone veneer may also be called artificial stone, manufactured stone or stacked stone veneer. Those are the commonly used names.

There is also a natural stone veneer which is made from real stone. The stone in this type of veneer is usually field stone or quarry stone. A manufacturer will then process the stone and cut to the proper thickness.

These are the most commonly types of fireplace refacing in NJ that homeowners choose. This stone product gives your fireplace the modern appeal and beautiful appearance that homeowners desire. Although these are the most popular choices for fireplace remodeling materials, there are other products available on the market today. Here are some additional examples of products that can be used.

  • Concrete tiles
  • Brick
  • Custom inserts
  • Marble
  • Natural stone

These are just some examples of other materials that can be used to give your fireplace a new look and increase the aesthetic appeal of this focal point in your home.

A fireplace in any home will add value and beauty to your valued space. They are a functional and beautiful addition to any home. Some homes can have multiple fireplaces in them which adds even more value and appeal. An upgraded fireplace is a great way to add value and beauty to your home.

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