Making the Decision to Use Elder Care Services for Your Loved One

by | Jun 8, 2015 | Senior Center

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Family structures vary just as the level of support. The decision to seek or employ elder care services for a loved one is not always an easy one to make. Different cultures, expectations and situations cause people to feel differently regarding what’s best for their loved ones. In some cases, families have previously discussed with their loved ones what their wishes are in the event that their health begins to decline. Sometimes the decision is made to move them to alternate living spaces, while other times it is felt best to remain in the comfort of their own home. If this is the wish, elder care services in McDonough, GA are a great option.


This is the type of decision that can cause a great amount of stress in the family if not discussed earlier. Clear communication is important in order to minimize the chance of additional stress being added to an already tense situation. Communication may not be as clear if an emergency arises and could lead to temporary decisions being made that could cause permanent dissatisfaction. It makes a great difference if the conversation is held when the elderly person is able to clearly communicate what their wishes are regarding their care. Considerations of safety, health and many other factors should be taken when making this decision. It’s always wise to consider professional assistance because assuming the entire responsibility can sometimes be overwhelming for the family.

Consider Options

Elder care services in McDonough, GA are dependable and quite reliable for those who desire an in home companion instead of having to move their loved ones outside of the home. Research is imperative and can lead to quality decisions being made. Talk to relatives or friends who have used the services before and get a feel of what to expect. Identify the tasks that will need to be done for your loved one and make certain they are offered with the service that is chosen. Always consider the safety of the family and interview independent caregivers away from the home initially. Take the time to make an informed decision and don’t allow yourself to be rushed into making a decision that isn’t best for everyone involved. Ask questions and be sure to get the answers you deserve or move on to other options. Always allow the patient to talk or meet with the professional caregiver in order to see the connection between the two.

Elder care services in McDonough, GA offer a safe alternative for patient care. Sacred Journey Hospice understands the need for high quality elderly care.

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