Options for Tree Service in Boston

by | Apr 28, 2014 | Construction and Maintenance

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Trees add beauty to any home or office landscape design and provide much-needed shade during the warm months of the year. While planting trees when they are small is relatively easy, maintaining them properly as they grow takes specific skills, tools and equipment. In order to keep your trees in optimum condition, consider using a professional tree service in Boston for the following options.

Pest Control

If a tree or several in your yard have termites, ants or other pests, a tree service can treat the problem and save the tree if you call as soon as you notice the problem. This keeps your tree healthy and prevents these pests from spreading to other trees and nearby buildings.


Trimming your trees is very important for them to look good and to prevent them from causing problems in and around your yard. Trimming also promotes healthy tree growth and safeguards against issues caused by high winds and dangling branches. Untrimmed trees can tangle in power lines and out-of-control branches can fall onto parked cars. For the best tree trimming results, utilize a tree service that has the necessary equipment and skills for the job.


A large-scale tree planting exercise is very time consuming and physically taxing if you do not have the right equipment. To save time and energy, outsource the task to a tree service crew who will plant your trees quickly and efficiently.


If you have a large tree in your yard and it dies, it can be extremely difficult to remove the branches, truck and roots on your own. Dead trees dry out and become brittle, which causes branches and other parts of the tree to fall off unexpectedly. This is a serious hazard to your home or office, so it best to take care of it as soon as possible with the help of a professional tree service.

These are a few of the options available for tree service in Boston to take advantage of when necessary. Using the assistance of professional tree services saves you time, money and frustration and gets the job done efficiently. If you need to have trees in your yard planted, removed or trimmed, contact Cambridge Landscape today to speak with one of our helpful representatives and schedule an appointment.

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