In total, 2\3 of Americans qualify as overweight or obese and because of that, they are the perfect candidates for an Overweight Surgery Houston. The good news is that many people are actually considering this procedure. Only in 2008 alone there were more than two hundred and twenty thousand bariatric surgeries performed, which is an increase from the 205.000 that were performed a year before.
However, you should know that there are different kinds of bariatric surgeries available and some of them will require some very thorough medical testing before you can go under the knife. Your comfort level with the different procedures available, your overall health and your weight will be the primary factors that will influence your decision on going with a certain procedure.
1. So, if you have at least one hundred pounds over your normal weight, then it would be a good idea to consider lap band surgery or adjustable gastric banding. You also need to have a BMI of 40 or higher to qualify for it, so be sure you’re going to undergo thorough medical testing. Gastric banding involves planting a foreign object in your stomach, so unless you are comfortable with this, then you might want to consider a different weight loss surgery.
2. If you’re at least one hundred pounds overweight, then you’ll need to go with a gastric bypass, have one or more medical conditions and have a minimum body mass index of forty. You also need to have done something about your weight without getting results in order to qualify for the surgery. This surgery basically reduces the amount of nutrients your body absorbs, so that is who you’ll need to make sure that you’re prepared to take nutritional supplements for the rest of your life.
3. Lastly, if you have a BMI that is higher than forty and you also have other medical conditions, then go for a duodenal switch. This procedure though is most of the times effective for those who have a BMI of fifty five or higher. Now that you know all this, taking a decision will be much easier for you, so good luck with it.
This article talks in detail about all the factors that are taken into consideration before a bariatric surgery is performed on a person to make sure that procedure will be successful.