Packing Tips From Professional Movers

by | Nov 6, 2018 | Packaging

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There are many packing tips that can help to make your move quite a bit easier if you will take the time to follow the steps necessary. Professional movers have lots of ideas and tips that they have learned along the way. This article will share a few of those helpful packing ideas and tips with you.

First of all one great tip that professional movers suggest is that you only pack one room per box. For example do not start throwing things into a box that is labeled master bedroom with items from other bedrooms. This will only cause you to be confused and frustrated about where exactly things go when you are unpacking later. If you will think about unpacking the entire time you are packing, things will go more smoothly for you.

Begin by packing things that are out of season, this way you can pack the things you are currently wearing and needing last and won’t have to dig through boxes to find something to wear. This is a great tip that professional movers use all the time.

Be sure to pack similar items together. For example, if you are packing up china from the kitchen, do not add frying pans and pots just to take up empty space in the box. If you find that you have too much empty space fill it with paper or some sort of cushion to make sure to keep your china and other breakables safe and sound during the move.

Avoid overfilling boxes so that you will be able to lift them once you are ready to move. You do not want the cardboard lid of the box to be bulging out because it is overfull, however you also do not want it to have enough room to dent in either. Just be careful and give thought to what you are doing while you are doing it and things will work out just fine.

Make sure to list the contents of each box on the side so that you can easily see what is inside. Resist the urge to write miscellaneous on the side of the box because once you arrive where you are going and begin to unpack this will not serve you well at all.

Professional packing service in Austin will tell you to be sure tape a sign on the door of the room to match the corresponding box so that the movers will know what goes where, once you get to your final destination. This makes it easy for everyone involved in your big move.

It’s a good idea to mark the boxes you want unpacked first with a special mark so that the movers will know where to begin unpacking.

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