A cental air conditioning system is a major appliance that modifies the temperature and humidity of air. These properties of air can have a significant on indoor air quality. Being in a home that is too hot or too cold can be very uncomfortable and have an impact on the health of household occupants. An AC system also filters out unwanted particulates, some of which can be dangerous. To keep your AC system working at optimal levels, it’s a good idea to perform regular Air Conditioning Maintenance in Atlanta GA. Use the following tips for this task.
It’s a good idea to perform Air Conditioning Maintenance in Atlanta GA, twice a year. Remember that safety is the number one priority. If you have to do anything that puts you in danger, don’t do it. You can always call an AC contractor to do this job if it’s too dangerous. Ensure that all power to the system is off. You can do this at the main entrance panel or a separate entrance panel. Don’t do any upkeep when it’s raining and only work when there is ample light.
Start your AC maintenance by locating the evaporator. This component is situated above the furnace in the plenum. Remove the access plate on the plenum. If there is insulation around the plenum, remove this first. Be careful not to damage the tape on the insulation so you can replace it later. Use a stiff brush to clean all sides. You can use a mirror to see the backside as you clean it. The evaporator may be attached to rigid pipes, so use care when cleaning around it. Clean the pan beneath the evaporator with bleach and water. Locate the condenser outside your home. This part is usually on a flat surface like slab concrete. Use a spirit level to ensure that it’s level. Remove vines, weeds, and debris. You can use a commercial cleaner and a fin comb to clean the fins and condenser coil.
Keeping your AC system in good shape will help increase its useful life and decrease the need for repairs. You can learn more about your AC system by reading the owner’s manual or you can click here for additional info.