Physical Therapy: The Best Treatment for Lower Back Pain

by | Dec 31, 2012 | Health And Fitness

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We live in a society where people run a very hectic schedule. From daybreak to sundown, we have many things to complete on certain deadlines and it’s very hard to find free time to look after our own body. Many occupations, along with faulty lifestyle, cause postural changes leading to body aches and pains. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 29% percent of people aged 18 to 30 years experience low back pain, making it the most commonly reported type of pain and the most common job-related disability. Ergonomics and musculoskeletal disorders are not only the leading contributor to reduced productivity and missed work; they also cause poor quality of life for millions of people across the globe.

Physical Therapy in Oahu is one of the definitive treatments to low back pain. Although taking pain medications and undergoing surgical procedures do provide pain relief, they do not guarantee permanent treatment of pain. Physical therapy offers a comprehensive, noninvasive approach to lower back pain as well as other joint and bone pains. Unlike surgical or pharmacologic approach, physical therapy may not result in an instant pain relief; it may require several sessions before the pain goes away. However, systemic physiotherapy is thought to be more beneficial as it can result in long term, permanent management of pain such as in lower back pain.

Physical therapy sessions are composed of the different exercises and techniques that aim to address specific neuromuscular problems. The therapist may use a combination of techniques such as weight training, heat therapy, massage, range of motion exercises, yoga, etc. in each session. The physical therapist plays a very critical role in ensuring the success of the therapy. He or she prepares the program that will suit the needs of the patient and assists the individual throughout the program. Therefore, it is important that you carefully choose the best Physical Therapy clinic that can help you manage your condition.

There are a good number of physical therapists here in Oahu that provides therapy services for people suffering from back pain. It is recommended that you choose a physical therapy clinic that offers the most modern techniques that have proven efficiency. Doing your own research about each of clinic in the area can help you choose the best service provider.

You can learn about the different physical therapy treatments offered by clinics through their website. Read about the services they provide. Check the educational credentials of the therapist. You want to make sure that the physical therapists have completed necessary educational and licensure requirements. The therapist must also complete continuing education programs or trainings so that they are updated with the latest technologies and techniques in physical therapy.

An ideal Physical Therapy clinic in Oahu should have the world class amenities and treatment services. It should have all the necessary equipment and facilities for a successful therapy. Visit the clinic personally so that you can personally the check the cleanliness of the office.

Are you experiencing lower back pain? If so, you may need to consult a good physical therapist. Learn more about the services offered by Physical Therapy Oahu. Visit Website today.

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