Potential DIY Ground Bee Control in Pittsburgh

by | Nov 19, 2019 | Pest Control

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More than 4,000 species of bees live in North America. Some are relatively docile and only sting when danger seems imminent. Others appear to perceive virtually everything as a threat and attack quite routinely. Either way, being able to see and avoid them helps keep the potential dangers at a minimum for humans. That being said, certain species aren’t so easy to spot. Ground bees live in underground burrows, and people often don’t know they’re there until it’s too late to steer clear.

Keeping the Ground Bees at Bay

Most ground-dwelling bees aid in pollination, so they’re essential to life on Earth. Of course, they’re bound by instinct and duty to defend themselves when humans disturb their homes. Professional Ground Bee Control in Pittsburgh may be needed if these insects have taken over your yard, but certain measures could help prevent unpleasant surprises in the event you’ve seen them burrowing into your lawn.

  • Plant Grass:
  • Ground bees need bare patches of ground to be able to burrow in and build their nests. Because of this, they tend to avoid thick, lush lawns. If grass is sparse, consider planting more to fill in any bare areas. This type of Ground Bee Control in Pittsburgh could help deter them by taking away easy access to new building sites.
  • Water Often:
  • In addition to bare ground, bees need relatively dry dirt in which to dig their homes. Watering often and generously takes away yet another desirable aspect, so they’ll be less likely to build. If they’ve already started burrowing, ramping up your watering efforts will decrease the stability of their nests and possibly drive them to browner pastures.
  • Spice up Their Lives:
  • According to some reports, common household spices can effectively repel ground bees. They may be offended by cinnamon, mint or essential oils, such as peppermint and tea tree. Placing these substances around the openings of their burrows could potentially convince them to leave willingly.

Keep in mind, any of these do-it-yourself bee control methods could also aggravate those living underneath your lawn. If you take this route rather than calling a professional like The-Beeman, be sure to wear long pants and sleeves, safety glasses, gloves and other protective gear during the process. Otherwise, click here to learn more or schedule a bee removal session.

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