Ramp Up Your Relationship With Love Pheromone

by | Mar 4, 2014 | Health

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There is a lot of information online about the importance of using pheromones in attracting members of the opposite sex. These articles talk about how women, and men, are attracted to a specific pheromone or combination of pheromones that are often known as the love pheromone. In reality these love pheromone products are highly effective for singles, but they can also be used by couples as well.

Getting the Passion Back

Sometimes in a long term relationship passion seems to take a backwards step and routine sets in. Using a love pheromone product can help to rekindle those feelings of emotional connection, attraction and sexual appeal. Using love pheromone products that are specific for male and females will appeal to you both, definitely ramping up your feelings of attraction for one another that may have seemed to drop off over the years.

Just a few drops or a quick spray of love pheromone at any time of the day will immediately add a subtle change in your relationship. These products are designed to last for hours and provide a slow release of the chemicals that are going to impact the way that your spouse or partner feels as well as help you to feel more attractive and confident in the relationship.

Closeness and Connection

There has been a lot of research about how the different genders connect in a relationship. For men a lot of the relationship is about the physical relationship as this reinforces their feelings of being loved and cared for. For women, a sense of emotional connection and bonding is often as important if not more important than the actual physical relationship.

Using products that have the love pheromone that each gender needs can address all those issues. Women will find men attractive that were products containing  androsterone and androstenol as it stimulates chemicals in the brain that produce feelings of safety and protection. On the other hand women using the love pheromone oxytocin will feel emotionally closer and bonded to the men in their lives.

There are different love pheromone products that you can use depending on the desired results. Just a small amount of these products is all you need to sustain and re-energize your relationship. We have the love pheromone products that you need to put the desire back in your relationship.

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