The manufacturing and construction industry would be nothing if steel and aluminum plates had never been invented. From manufacturing automobiles to constructing high rise buildings, the industry is truly relying on steel materials. To compensate all these demands, there are various steel and aluminum manufacturers that supply construction and manufacturing agencies.
Aerotech Alloys is one these manufacturers of aluminum plates and tubes. Today, many industries from electronics to manufacturing use aluminum for fabrication and manufacturing of different products. Moreover, the demand for better aluminum has rapidly increased. However, choosing the right type is very crucial for each specific job. Further, aluminum plate has a wide range of applications such as framework, supports, braces, shafts and other light weight applications.
Aerotech Alloys is top supplier of aluminum plate and other aluminum products such as rods, tubes, and bars. They offer a diverse selection and a complete line of aluminum in the most varied sizes. In fact, they assure customers a value-added processing service and a one of a kind machining and fabrication services to produce the needed customer requirements. Whether it’s a simple aluminum plate to other more complex aluminum assemblies, name it and they are ready to provide quality service.
There are a lot of benefits to using aluminum plates, such as:
* Aluminum Plates are Light – Aluminum is extremely lightweight, only about a ⅓ the weight compared to steel. It is commonly used for automobile and airplane manufacturing, because of its lightweight, high-strength properties as well as cheaper costs.
* Aluminum Plates have Corrosion Resistance – This feature is a great choice for in construction of buildings and homes. The corrosive resistance of aluminum is due to its natural oxide coating.
* Aluminum Plates are Tough – Aluminum has excellent strength qualities perfect for any industry. However, it is more recommended in use for high strength and low weight factors.
* Aluminum Plates Reflect Light – One of the best qualities of aluminum is the ability to reflect light, thus, making it a perfect material for light fittings.
* Aluminum plates Conduct Heat and Electricity – Yet another great quality of aluminum is being great conductor of heat and electricity. This makes the aluminum as popular candidate in making power transmission lines and cables. Moreover, aluminum is also a heat conductor which is often used in automobile engine parts and other industrial heat exchangers.
Aluminum plates have so many benefits and advantages compared to plates of any other material. It can even be recycled in a way that is environment-friendly. All of its benefits combined with it being so abundant and therefore inexpensive make it an ideal choice for a lot of applications.