Reasons You Should Seek the Best Menopause Consultation

by | Jul 24, 2014 | Health

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While it is true that every woman is aware of the fact that they will have to deal with menopause at a later point of their lives, very few are normally prepared for the health complications that accompany it. This is made even more complex by the fact that no two women will have an exactly similar menopause experience. Here are a few things that you need to know about menopause and how to get the best Menopause Consultation.

Common issues related to menopause

To have an easier time dealing with menopause, you need to know about the common health conditions that accompany the process. Here are a few of them.

  • Vaginal yeast infection:
  • As women age, their immune systems weaken. The process of menopause causes changes in the pH of the vagina. The less acidic conditions encourage the excessive growth of yeast cells. This is what leads to yeast infections. This problem is compounded by the fact that there is not menstrual period which normally cleans the vaginal area. As a result, yeast infection could be a major problem in menopausal women. Menopause consultation services help the woman get the best drugs to deal with yeasts as well as offering advice on the diet that can reduce the occurrence of the infections.
  • Sleep disorders:
  • This is another common menopausal complication. The woman may experience hot flashes during their sleep, mood swings and fatigue. This leads to general feeling of sickness which makes sleeping well very difficult. A consultation will get you tips on the right clothes to wear in the night and the foods to eat to promote a feeling of good health.
  • Urinary problems:
  • Most of the times, menopause is accompanied by weakening of the pelvic floor. This makes it really difficult to contain urine. The problem may become so extreme that a simple cough, sneeze or laugh pushes urine through the sphincter muscles at the bottom of the bladder. This problem can be addressed by a qualified Gainesville OBGYN.

You will need the help of a competent gynecologist when dealing with menopause related problems. To get the Menopause Consultation services of a great OBGYN in Gainesville, go to

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