Reasons You’ll Need a Disability Lawyer to Handle Your Case in Mesa, AZ

by | Oct 28, 2022 | Dental

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If you are applying for social security disability, the process can be extremely frustrating and darn near impossible at worst. With that in mind, one thing that you CAN do to try and help your case move more smoothly is to hire a disability attorney in Mesa, AZ. There are many reasons why this is a smart idea.

Move Things Forward

An experienced lawyer will be able to keep things moving forward when it seems like they have slowed down. Anything that involves trying to get money from the government can be a long and hard-fought journey even in of times. A disability lawyer will be able to ensure all forms and paperwork are turned in on time and that the claim is not denied in the initial application, which can severely slow things down.

Experience Matters

Anyone trying to navigate the Social Security Administration for the first time can easily get confused. This means that you will definitely want an experienced attorney on your side to ensure everything proceeds as it is supposed to.


When you hire a disability attorney in Mesa, AZ, they usually understand that anyone collecting SSD is not of wealthy means. This means that they offer affordable fees and even offer free consultations so that you can get a good idea of how the process works before proceeding further.

If you are interested in hiring an experienced disability lawyer, please contact Slepian Ellexson, PLLC, today.

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