Countless procedures are performed on men and women to make them appear younger. One such procedure is neck tightening. Neck Tightening in Southampton NY allows people to tighten the skin on their necks in order to make it seem like their age has been reduced. Although the procedure is relatively quick, there is still some recovery time needed that people need to be aware of before they have it done.
Find a Driver
During the procedure, some have to have medication in order to reduce the pain. This can cause drowsiness. To ensure the patient’s safety, it is recommended to have a driver available to take them home. Rather than attempting to drive while feeling dizzy, having a driver available is a better option.
Apply Ice
In the few days after the procedure, ice may be necessary. It should be applied regularly, as it will help keep the swelling down. Even if there is no severe swelling, there may be redness and discomfort, which ice can also help.
Take Prescribed Medication
If pain is felt, medication can be taken. Typically aspirin is all that is needed, but those with a low pain tolerance may need something stronger. Those people can speak to their physician about having a stronger medication prescribed to them. It may be necessary for the first couple of days following the procedure.
Avoid Makeup
For those that typically apply makeup to the neck, such as a concealer, they should be sure to avoid it following the procedure. The skin will already be sensitive in that area, so it should not have something applied to further disturb it. This is usually only necessary for the first day. By the second, makeup can continue to be applied, as long as no discomfort is felt.
Neck Tightening in Southampton NY gives people the youthful, toned neck they desire. Rather than having sagging skin, a neck procedure will make the skin tight and line-free. Once the recovery process is complete, anyone who had a neck tightening will look and feel more youthful. Interested parties can check out additional resources to learn more about neck tightening procedures and how they work.