Good health requires a strong, healthy liver. One of the biggest risks to liver health is hepatitis. There are several types of this disease, with Hepatitis A, B, and C being the most common. The one people should be the most cautious about is Hepatitis C. This is because there is no Hepatitis C Vaccine in Glendale Queens NY. Despite many attempts at creating a vaccine, avoiding this contagious disease currently relies solely on prevention.
The only way to contract Hepatitis C is by coming in contact with the blood of someone who is already infected. Since the virus is able to survive outside of the body for up to three weeks, everyone should be careful anytime they encounter blood. Because it is not contracted through saliva or is airborne, there is no reason to fear being around someone with Hepatitis C. Hospitals also screen blood and organs carefully, so patients receiving one or both of these can be reassured that they will be safe.
Not everyone diagnosed with Hepatitis C will suffer from the disease for life. Approximately 25 percent of people who are exposed will eventually be clear of the disease, often without any treatment. For the majority of patients, however, treatment is needed to prevent serious damage to the liver.
The majority of people will have no symptoms unless the condition becomes severe. If there are any symptoms, many of them will be flu-like including joint pain, fever and vomiting. Some signs to watch for include jaundice, dark urine, and bowel movements the color of clay. The lack of symptoms should not be taken as a sign that someone is okay. Anyone who thinks they have been exposed needs to be tested because they can pass the illness on to someone else.
A positive diagnosis means that the individual should begin receiving care as soon as possible. This can help to reduce the severity of the illness, and cut the risk of permanent damage. offers diagnostic services and treatments that are designed to help people manage their conditions safely. Despite the fact that a Hepatitis C Vaccine in Glendale Queens NY, is not available today, it does not mean one will not be developed. There are many specialists involved in the study of this condition who are working hard to provide more protection for everyone.