Repair or Replace Your Asphalt Parking Lot? How do You Know?

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When it comes to asphalt repair in Burnsville, many business owners aren’t sure whether they should replace the asphalt or try to repair it instead. Instead of worrying about making the wrong decision. Read on below for a few of the times that repairing will work and save you money on replacing instead.

Crack Sealing

Cracks that are straight or not very deep and wide can benefit from asphalt repair in Burnsville instead of replacing the asphalt completely. Crack sealing is actually a filler to help repair the cracks and keep them from spreading and getting worse. After crack sealing, your parking lot can be seal coated or resurfaced. It is recommended that you perform crack sealing on your parking lot at least once a year.

Seal Coating

If your parking lot is looking a little worse for wear, you don’t have to replace it, instead try a coat of seal coating instead. After you have crack sealing done, the next logical step is seal coating. Sealant keeps your parking lot looking new, even with the elements, gas, oil, and other chemicals working to destroy it over the years. Keep in mind that a new asphalt parking lot should not be seal coated until it is at least six months of age and you should have it resealed every two to four years, according to the amount of traffic the parking lot sees in a year.

These are just a couple of ways that you can repair your asphalt parking lot in Burnsville, instead of having to pay to have it replaced. Remember, taking good care of your parking lot can go a long way and save you a ton of money. Contact Super Care Driveway today for more information.

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