Scheduling Pest Control Services in Lancaster County

by | Aug 14, 2020 | Pest Control

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Pest Control Services in Lancaster County are rarely a one-time need. Pests like termites, rodents and fleas are constantly looking for new homes and food supplies. There is very little that can be done to keep them out of a yard or house entirely. Because of this, it is a good idea to schedule at least annual inspections from a pest control service as well as take sensible steps to reduce the risk of an infestation.

With an inspection, a home can be checked from top to bottom for signs of any invading pests. Not all animals or insects are obvious when they first begin to arrive, but this is the best time to begin eradicating them. Not only is it easier to clear them from a home when their population is low, but it prevents them from having the time to create any damage. An experienced pest control service in Lancaster County will know all of the signs to look for that the average homeowner will often miss.

Homeowners can make their homes safer between inspections by making certain their homes and yards are free of garbage or yard debris. Standing water outside the home should be removed and any water damage in and around the home should be repaired. Animal food must never be left where it can be easily accessed by wildlife, so avoid feeding strays. All pets that are in the home should be treated regularly for fleas to prevent them from transferring them to carpets and furnishings. Openings of any kind, including holes in the walls, vents and chimneys should either be repaired or have screens or guards installed to prevent little intruders from letting themselves inside.

Most homes will be safe with annual pest control services in Lancaster County.

The exception is homes that keep a lot of animals, like chickens or goats, in shelters near the main house. These residences are more at risk to wildlife like rats, skunks and raccoons who are lured in by the chicken eggs and animal feed. Quarterly or monthly visits may be required in some of these situations. Contact Kirchner’s Pest Control, to learn more.

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