Accidents on the road happen, and sometimes they are unavoidable. While there are some that aren’t necessarily anyone’s fault, a no-fault accident is pretty rare. In many cases, accidents happen because of the negligence of someone else. When you get caught in these accidents and they result in loss of property or serious life altering injuries, you’ll expect the insurance company representing the at-fault party to handle their financial responsibilities to you. Sadly, this doesn’t always happen. When this is the case, it’s best to consult an Accident Lawyer Hampton VA.
However, there are two things that people worry over that often ultimately discourages them from hiring an attorney in these situations. The first situation has to do with cost, and the second is the fear of a long, drawn-out court battle.
To address the cost issue, most accident lawyers work on what is known as a contingency basis. This means that the attorney only gets paid if you win the case. However, it’s important to note that the attorney may charge administrative fees beyond the contingency fee. Fortunately, most accident lawyers know that their clients don’t always have the deepest of pockets. Typically, the administrative fees are fairly affordable.
A long, drawn-out court case isn’t always the situation. While complex cases involving huge sums of money may be in court for a long time, less complicated cases don’t typically get hung up in court for very long. In many situations, the case may not even make it to court. With an Accident Lawyer in Hampton VA, working on your behalf, the case may end up settling well before it ever sees the inside of the courtroom.
The repercussions of being involved in an accident can radically change anyone’s life. In addition, it may cost a fair amount of money because of the injuries, the medical bills surrounding those injuries, and the lost wages and property suffered. If you look to an insurance company for compensation and no such compensation seems forthcoming, it may be time to talk to a lawyer from the Law Offices of Stephen L. One of these attorneys can take a look at the situation and advise you on the best course of action.