Sewer Cleaning in Margate is an Environmental and Health Safety Precaution

by | Apr 28, 2014 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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Sewer cleaning is a job which should be done once a year at least. It’s amazing what can clog up a sewer line and send sewage back into the home flowing out of the toilet. This doesn’t have to happen, although it often does.

The sewer line can back up for many reasons, including a clog caused by tree roots that traveled from your neighbors yard in search of water. Roots can find an opening and bust into the line forming a clog which slowly builds up to the point of blocking everything in the line. This can be prevented by having a company which specializes in Sewer Cleaning in Margate run a video cam into the line and the high definition picture that is returned will show any blockage including debris that may be building up on the walls. If any blockage is beginning to form, then the experienced plumbing technician can run a high pressure water system into the line and literally chop the clog up. Some of these devices have high RPM cutter blades which make quick work of a larger clog. It is possible to also clean the sewer line walls while clearing out the clog.

The camera will show any break up of the sewer line which will need to be repaired, leading the technician to perform this Sewer Cleaning in Margate task. Many older homes have clay pipes, and these will break-up over time, causing an environmental disaster. Cast iron pipes will do the same, as they rust out and the movement of the ground will shift these pipes out of position. This can happen to clay pipes also.

Every drain in the house should be inspected because any build-up of grease in the kitchen drain or bathing debris in the bathroom drain. The benefit of a drain pipe is its capability to carry harmful matter away from the home. Kitchen and bathroom drains can also harbor matter which is a threat to your health. Think of the shower drain being filled with bacteria and each day you run hot water into it causing steam to carry some bacteria to the surface which you are likely to breathe. Your local plumber can inspect this for your during his visit. Browse this site for more information.

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