Never underestimate the importance of proper discipline when it comes to share market trading. This is what major experts and brokers advise their clients prior to plunging into the stock market. Making quick money or generating a windfall is not something that should be your goal if you are looking at consolidating your financial forays for the long haul. Share trading is definitely risky and you need to be very clear of what you are getting into. According to the professionals, discipline is the key aspect of one personality that can make or break any investment story. Your own financial position should be chalked out clearly prior to investing. You should always have an idea of your own appetite for risk. This helps immensely with regard to influencing your investment decisions in the mainstream stock market.
Share market trading in commodities and shares is obviously possible but stock options and futures are mostly traded by retail investors. This is mainly on account of their high volumes. You can hold onto your stock for a particular period of time or simply sell it at a profit on the same day. Intra-day and swing trade concepts should be clearly understood by you along with positional trade which involves holding stocks for more than a couple of weeks or even longer. You should know how to manage risks and get the best deal out of your daily trade forays. You should definitely look at investing a minimum of INR 2 lakhs if you want some tangible returns. However, this should definitely not be borrowed money or even a vital part of your emergency savings money.
Always keep an eye on stock volumes while embarking on share market trading. A particular volume ceiling must always be present for you to actually garner some benefits. The regular average volume should stand at a minimum of 500, 000 shares. If you are an amateur trader, you can look at Nifty-50 stocks as a good way to learn the ropes. You should have persistence, a keen eye for market developments and a thirst for knowledge. Experience and knowledge are two attributes that matter immensely in the market. Always stay updated on latest happenings and chalk out a proper investment strategy that does not border too much on possible risks.