Should You Purchase a Baby Grand or A Grand Piano?

by | Jun 8, 2017 | Business

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The tone and not just the physical size are the obvious differences that you will first experience when you go through the exercise of trying a range of pianos that are potentially fit for your purpose. Meeting with professional experts who have a long history and a vast experience, coupled with a passion for the pianos they offer is important when you are looking for a grand piano in Florida.

A Wide Range of Size Choices

Having measured the clear space where you intend to locate your grand piano in Florida, do you have enough space for a concert grand, a semi-concert or professional grand?

These pianos are between 6 and 10 feet in size, whereas your baby grand will be anywhere between 5 and 5 feet 6”. You will have considered a safe walking distance all around the piano area and allocated measurements to include any stairs or doorways.

The Tone Is the Vital Ingredient

The very best of baby grand pianos will sound great, and the tone will be almost as good as a grand piano, but as you try smaller baby grand pianos, the frequencies from the longer strings will provide a less full and more balanced sound in comparison to any of the grand pianos.

Your budget may help you make your decision about your choice between a baby grand or a grand piano, but where you are going to be using the piano professionally, the grand piano will almost always be your better choice, especially when you consider the humidity levels and the ideal temperature in which the piano will sit.

Talk to The Experts

Even when you believe you are a professional expert yourself, when you’re looking to purchase a grand piano in Florida, you should team up with an experienced business that is full of individuals with desire and can show and demonstrate a wide range of pianos, having first asked you how you intend to use the piano and where.

You will be looking for a company where the relationship begins when you purchase the piano and not seeing the sale as the end of the association.

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