If the garage door won’t open or close properly, it can create an inconvenient and frustrating situation. There are several reasons garage doors in Lebanon Ohio may be having problems, but in many cases, the springs are the culprit. While this type of issue is easy to identify, there are others that may not be as obvious. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common signs that a garage door needs repairs.
Slow or Partial Opening
If the garage door uses an automatic opener, if the spring is broken, it is only going to open about six inches and then not move any higher. This is because a door opener has motors that begin to open the door at a slow speed and then ramp up into a higher speed as the door continues to open.
However, if the spring is broken or damaged, then the opener is going to stay consistent at the slower speed, and as a result, be unable to open the door over a few inches. While this prevents the door from being damaged, it’s also virtually impossible to open the door manually if the spring is broken. At this point, calling for repair for garage doors in Lebanon Ohio is the best option.
Gaps in the Spring
There are some garage doors that have springs that are found inside of a tube. As a result, it’s going to be challenging to see if the spring is broken. However, if a homeowner can see the spring, they will likely notice a gap that’s about two inches in size. This gap is present because the spring can’t wind due to the end that’s on the shaft. In some situations, the cables holding the door will look broken if the spring is broken.
Don’t underestimate the benefits offered by getting to know when it is time for garage door repair. Being aware of the signs of a problem is the best way to ensure they don’t get worse. For more information about when it is time to seek garage door repair, take the time to visit us.