Fentanyl is an extremely strong synthetic opiate that is used primarily during surgery and in hospital settings to control patients’ breakthrough pain. It is 50-100 times stronger than morphine and is highly addictive. Even patients who have been prescribed the drug legally can wind up struggling with fentanyl addiction in Shelby County AL.
Unfortunately, many people who abuse prescription drugs isolate themselves from their family and friends to keep their substance abuse problems a secret. This can make it hard to determine when a loved one needs help. Read on to find out about a few of the common signs of fentanyl addiction to look out for to see if there might be a reason for concern about a loved one’s fentanyl use.
Mood Changes
Most mood symptoms will not be readily apparent to outside observers until they have become fairly extreme. Look for signs like rapid swings from elevated to depressed moods and uncharacteristic anxiety. Psychological symptoms such as confusion and difficulty concentrating will often be present, as well.
Behavioral Changes
Patients struggling with fentanyl addictions often isolate themselves from loved ones, which can make it hard to spot behavioral changes. Try to pay attention to what they are doing with their time, though, as fentanyl addiction in Shelby County AL often causes sufferers to spend significant portions of their time and energy using or recovering from the use of the drug. It may also cause them to be unable to meet their responsibilities.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Although physical dependency and psychological addiction aren’t technically the same thing, they almost always go hand-in-hand. If a patient experiences withdrawal symptoms upon attempting to stop the use of fentanyl it is well past time to attempt to get him or her help. Signs of withdrawal that may be visible to onlookers include labored breathing, pale skin, swelling in the extremities, extreme fatigue, ulcers or white spots in the mouth, fever or chills, and persistent cough.
Get Help Now
There is usually no way to force an addict to seek treatment if he or she is not ready, but that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing loved ones can do. They can take the time to educate themselves about treatment options and share that information when it seems appropriate. Contact Website Domain today to get started.