A wood fence is a smart investment for many backyards. They offer an array of benefits, including shade and privacy and help to keep pets contained. This, along with the affordability factor, make wood fences a popular option for homeowners.
While this is true, as time passes, a wooden fence may be susceptible to weathering and deterioration. Eventually, it will be necessary to hire a Fence Repair Company Nassau County for help. Some of the signs it is time to make these repairs can be found here.
Insect Damage
One of the first signs that a homeowner needs to call a Fence Repair Company Nassau County for damage is if there are signs of insects on the wood. Some of the signs to look for include gnawing and burrowing. While limited damage caused by insects can be repaired, more extensive damage may mean there is a larger infestation that may have compromised the fence’s structural integrity.
Hiring the professionals will let a homeowner know what option is best for the fence. While repair may be possible, sometimes, replacement will be the only option.
Signs of Rot
Even though wood fences offer a rustic and classic look that is considered timeless, even wood that is weather treated is going tobegin to rot as time passes. Rotting can cause the fence to appear deteriorated and eventually, it’s going to lose its form. However, if a person catches signs of rot early on, the affected area can be replaced, but if the rotting has spread, the fence will likely be extremely weak and need to be replaced.
Splintering or Splitting Boards
Another obvious sign of a problem with a wood fence is if there is splintering or splitting boards. Even if the fence seems like it is structurally sound, and it is still in place, if the boards are compromised, then it may need repairs or complete replacement.
Don’t underestimate the benefits offered by knowing the signs that fence repairs are needed. Knowing what these signs are can help ensure a homeowner calls for help in a timely manner. More information about when wood fence repair is needed can be found by reaching out to the team at Precision Fence LLC or by taking the time to visit the website.