Some Advantages of Post Frame Construction in Spokane, WA

by | Dec 17, 2014 | Business

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Today, there seems to be a resurgence of interest in all things rustic and rural. One example of this tendency can be seen in the number of young professionals within the Spokane area who are choosing to renovate old barns, stables, and other agricultural buildings into cutting-edge homes for themselves and their families. Another is evidenced in this same set’s choice of post and beam construction for the fabrication of their new, high-end homes. Post and beam construction, also known as post frame construction, until fairly recently was confined to the building of agricultural and industrial outbuildings, such as sheds, barns, and garages.

There are a number of advantages to using Post Frame Construction in Spokane WA. Homes built in this manner are beautiful. They tend to be open and airy, have exposed beams and large windows. They employ materials such as huge, solid sawn posts, beams and poles along with traditional construction lumber, steel and laminate to create an interlocking frame that erects quickly and efficiently, and is stronger than typical stud construction while using fewer materials. This kind of structure is incredibly strong. Homes built via post frame construction tend to make efficient use of both the builder’s time and the homeowner’s money. Post frame construction methods produce a larger than average cavity inside of the walls, making room for more than the normal amount of insulation. This results in a home that is economical to both heat and cool.

Once, huge utility type poles were used in this kind of construction. Post frame construction has evolved, and the old and the new have come together to create a durable assembly that will probably last several lifetimes. Modern technology has taken an ancient means of construction that dates back centuries, improved it, and now exercises it coast to coast in the creation of state-of-the-art homes like no other. If the thought of having an unusual, spacious, energy efficient, and inexpensive home appeals to you, perhaps you should consider Post Frame Construction in Spokane WA. Look for a builder who is experienced with post and beam building, such as Town & Country Builders, Inc. For more info, click here.

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