Statistics Show The Importance of Having an Accident Attorney in Olympia On Speed Dial

by | Feb 27, 2014 | Lawyers

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The unfortunate truth is that car accidents can happen anytime and anywhere. This is why it is beneficial to know an auto Accident Attorney Olympia you would use if you were to get in an accident. Whenever a car accident occurs there is a risk of small and/or fatal injuries. The unfortunate truth is that car accidents can even cause death. Car accidents can happen when you are driving safely simply because the driver next to you was being careless.

The US Census Bureau has recorded that roughly 89 people die in car accidents every single day. In the year 2010 there were over five million car accidents which led to 32,000 deaths and two million injuries. Furthermore, 1949 is the last time that the car accident death rate was lower than 32,000 fatalities.

When you or someone you love is involved in an automobile accident that was not their fault, they are entitled to financial compensation. This compensation usually comes in the form of what is known as a personal injury claim. Situations in which you would quality for financial compensation for an accident include:


* Drunk driving accidents

* No-Fault accidents

* Pedestrian accidents

* Mechanical defects

* Uninsured drivers

* Underinsured drivers

* Wrongful death

When you hire a law firm such as The Sadler Law Firm after you’ve been in an auto accident it is not always because you are going after the other driver. In fact, there are some situations where the accident is the fault of a third party. When this happens both you and the other driver would be entitled to compensation. Auto manufacturers are only human which means they are not perfect. There are times where they are going to release vehicles with defects. If a traffic accident is the result of a defected vehicle, the manufacturer would be responsible for the accident. Naturally, you would need to be able to prove that it was the car’s fault the accident occurred. Your Accident Attorney Olympia is going to have you take your vehicle to an auto shop in order to determine whether or not there were problems with the vehicle that caused the accident. You would just need a written statement from the auto shop mechanic confirming this to be true. Visit for more details.

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