The value of your work to help substance abuse patients out of their addiction has never been so crucial in the future of our society’s health. To the vast majority of substance abuse cases, individuals crucially need your services to give them a fair chance on the life they could not have without your help.
That’s why we at Azzly have committed ourselves to provide you the best of integration technology in order to help you in your mission to save as many substance abuse patients as possible.
By integrating all operating tasks that are needed to run an addiction treatment center, we help you focus more on your time and effort into each and every patient you are caring for. Our software and supporting team will help integrate and customize our assistance in every part of your service process so that we’re right there with you solving every single problem that needs solving.
The integration we’re here to help you streamline will touch on your outreach, your intake of patients, admissions process, your clinical process, your medication management process and your billing process.
Our substance abuse treatment software that will be integrated into your system to closely help you every step of the way allows for either of your treatment processes, whether patients choose a medication-assisted treatment or abstinence-based treatment.
The substance abuse treatment software simplifies the scheduling and monitoring including the necessary documentation of treatments, all digitized for ready access.
It also provides a Chronological Integrated Care Pathways from intake assessments and evaluation to diagnostics and treatment plans.
Give us at Azzly a call at 1-888-400-3201.