The Advantages Of Stainless Steel Tube Fittings

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In some applications, the choice of a specific type of material for a fitting or a tube is really just an arbitrary decision. It may be made for aesthetic purposes or because of the qualities that stainless steel brings to the table.

In some industries, particularly in sanitary and industrial processing, the use of stainless steel is not just a matter of looks or durability, although those certainly do come into play.

The Stainless Steel is Stainless Steel Myth

For sanitary and industrial processing use, it is important to choose the stainless steel tube fittings that are the best possible quality. One of the biggest issues to consider is the actual type of stainless steel used in the fitting.

Many stainless steel tube fittings that are sold online are not the same series or type of stainless that may be sold commonly by US processors and manufacturers. This can lead to variations in the properties and durability of these imported stainless steel tube fittings.

Each type of stainless steel has a designation or number. The most commonly used in most applications will be 304. This is a non-magnetic stainless steel that offers good corrosion resistance and extended life for most applications, but not for the sanitary and industrial processing industries.

For these types of harsh environments, it is more common to use the 316 option. These stainless steel tube fittings are designed to stand up to even the most corrosive types of environments. It is also naturally able to withstand exposure to chlorides, which means it will not pit with repeated cleaning and washing processes. This type of stainless is strong enough to withstand the processes used in pulp and paper industries as well as in chemical and commercial processing.

Finding the correct stainless steel tube fitting for your specific process is important. Look carefully at the quality as well as the type of stainless used before making a choice.

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