Anyone can safely say that the majority of attorneys work hard for their clients. When you take on a client’s case, you do so with the hope of helping them succeed so they can be properly awarded with whatever amount of compensation they need and deserve. However, not all cases go smoothly. What’s worse is the fact that sometimes a lost case erupts into a suit for legal malpractice, even if the circumstances of the loss are far from being your fault.
Situations like what is described above can be more easily covered once you secure legal malpractice insurance. However, before you seek out this important protection for your law firm, here are a few important facts to keep in mind.
Gather Every Bit of Information About Your Firm
In order to protect you as thoroughly as possible, your chosen legal malpractice insurance company will need to know all the odds and ends regarding your firm. No bit of information is “too much” where this important matter is concerned. The company will need to know the history of your firm and all of its affiliated attorneys.
This type of information includes the names and work history of every attorney on your team, a timeline of any past legal malpractice insurance they may have filed for in the past, all prior incidents that you believe could lead to a future malpractice suit, all fees charged to past clients that have gone uncompensated, all basic information regarding how you manage your firm and a fundamental profile detailing your firm’s practice and insurance history.
Keeping up With Your Insurance
After completing the application process, it will be your responsibility to update your legal malpractice insurance company on all shifts that take place within your firm. This includes the loss or gain of lawyers to your team, income shifts and various other factors. This will allow you to more easily receive the help you need should a legal malpractice claim ever arise.
To learn more about legal malpractice insurance and how it can help your firm, contact ALPS by calling 000-000-2577 or visiting their official website.