The Benefits of A Holter Take Home Heart Monitor For Your Patients

by | Jul 12, 2021 | Health Care

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When you ask your patients to wear a Holter monitor, it can give you the record you need concerning their heart rhythm rate. Because it can continuously observe the heart, it is an excellent tool to evaluate the patient’s condition over a longer period of time. Here are the benefits of using this monitoring for your patients.


Being a portable device is the largest advantage of an ECG Holter monitor. Patients can continue with their everyday activities throughout the entire time they are assigned to wear one. This means there will be less interference in their life. They can go to work, school, or manage any other responsibilities they need to handle. As this goes on, the device continues to gather information about their heart.


The ECG Holter monitor allows you to see how your patient reacts to the day-to-day stressors in their life. As they go about their normal activities, it will highlight actions that interrupt heart function. Not only will you see what happens during an event, but you will also discover what happens before and after.


There are not any significant risks connected with wearing the ECG Holter monitor. You can suggest them to your patients without fear they will be further harmed. However, there are warnings you will have to provide. The patient should take every step they can to keep the device dry. They must also avoid electric devices like magnets, microwaves, and metal detectors. These can cause interruptions with the system.

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