The Benefits Of Adding An Applied Biosystems PCR

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PCR or polymerase chain reaction is a process that is used to develop billions of DNA sequences that are used in testing, cloning, genetic expression analysis as well as genotyping and sequencing. This polymerase chain reaction is completed in equipment known as a thermal cycler or thermocycler, with different models and options available.

Adding an Applied Biosystems PCR system to any lab allows for accurate, reliable creation of exact copies of DNA, giving your lab the ability to perform necessary testing, sequencing, and analysis of DNA.

As this equipment is necessary for labs today, particularly those specializing in genetic testing and analysis, finding low cost, high-quality options for the equipment is always important. Many of the top labs now use Applied Biosystems PCR systems as they offer the features and functionality that labs of all sizes will require.

Sample Possibilities

The block formats, which will provide the number of samples that can be processed at one time with the various Applied Biosystems PCR, can range from 32-well to up to 384-well. Some models will offer different configurations and options including a variety of block options including 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 0.02 ml.

Some systems will offer different zones to allow for various temperature optimization across different DNA samples. These can range from six zones to two zones on those that offer the temperature optimization feature.

The systems will allow for up to 480,000 reactions as a sample throughput to a maximum of 96, allowing the facility to choose the size that meets their needs.

Operation Considerations

From the basic to the more advanced systems, Applied Biosystems equipment offers a user-friendly interface. Different models of the PCR thermocyclers will offer touch screens, keypad controls of full automation through desktop software and full robotic technology.

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