Women who are experiencing menopause or have experienced it can tell you that it is one of the most stressful parts of a person’s life. The problem with menopause is the fact that all the hormones that used to keep the body running start dwindling and finally stop being produced altogether. As a result, the body is thrown into a new and unfamiliar territory of having to operate without the hormones. The results of this are getting symptoms such as hot flushes, mood swings, and even the development of diseases such as osteoporosis. The Bioidentical Hormones Treatment is aimed at using artificial replicas of the natural hormones to get the body back to its normal state. Here are their benefits:
They offer a chance to treat menopause signs with personalized drugs
The main aim of Bioidentical hormones is treating the signs and symptoms of pre-menopause, menopause and post menopause. The hormones are normally purchased at a compounding pharmacy. Once you buy these hormones, you will get an expert to help you mix these hormones into the cocktail that will be tailored to suit your specific needs. Menopause affects different people in different ways. When you use these replacement hormones, you address your individual hormone needs.
Specialized treatment for the body’s needs
The hormone replacement therapy treatments are so advanced that from the first to the 17th day of the month, the specialist will give you a dose of enough estrogen to perform the role that natural estrogen does. On the 18th and 28th day of the month, the doctor will administer a static dose of progesterone. This will mimic exactly what the body did previously. All these hormone treatments will work together to make sure that the body functions as naturally as possible.
Different treatment forms
Different people react differently to various types of treatments. Some of the common dosage options include the following:
1. Static doses
2. Rhythmic cycling
The alternative that your doctor recommends for you depends on the level of hormone depletion you have suffered and your individual preferences. The aim of using these different options is ensuring that by the end of the day, the patient gets the perfect treatment method for them.
These are the benefits that come from Bioidentical Hormones Treatment. Renew Health & Wellness is a provider of BHRT treatments.