The Benefits of Using Quality Professionals for Air Conditioning Replacement in Palm Harbor

by | Sep 4, 2013 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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Florida’s year-round warm weather means that you enjoy a wonderful lifestyle, but it also means that your air conditioner has to work hard for most of the year. Since air conditioning is a necessity, and not a luxury, in Florida, you should only trust your unit’s care to qualified professionals. Experienced local experts offer essential benefits that include:

EMERGENCY RESPONSE: During the summer a broken air conditioner can quickly turn into a disaster, and HVAC professionals know this. They will respond 24 hours a day. Technicians bring all of the tools they need to diagnose problems and can often complete an AC Repair on the spot.

HEALTHIER AIR QUALITY: Today’s home’s are well insulated, which keeps cool air in. However, this also tends to trap pollutants, such as pollen, dust mites, pet hair, mildew, and mold. These contaminants are circulated through air ducts, and affect your home’s air quality. When an HVAC expert inspects your air conditioning system, he can identify air quality problems. A professional may suggest solutions that include air duct cleaning, UV filters, dehumidifiers, or air cleaners.

IMPROVED EFFICIENCY: Your air conditioning system’s efficiency can often be improved with repairs and simple servicing. However, if it is very old, an HVAC expert may suggest

Air conditioning replacement in Palm Harbor

homes. Newer units are more energy efficient and can dramatically lower utility bills. A technician can explain how a replacement unit also qualifies you for further savings when you take advantage of rebates or energy tax credits.

MAINTENANCE: One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your air conditioner is to have it regularly maintained by quality HVAC professionals. During maintenance visits, they will check refrigerant, drain lines, clean the condenser coils, and more. They may also offer a maintenance agreement that includes regular service, as well as discounts on repairs or even replacement units.

The best way to avoid air conditioning problems is to let qualified professionals care for your unit. HVAC experts will respond quickly in emergencies. They can check air quality, improve the system’s efficiency, replace faulty systems, and provide regular maintenance.

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