The Greatest Things to Keep in Mind For a Long Term Car Rental Honolulu

by | Mar 21, 2014 | Automotive

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Oahu Island is notorious for being almost completely accessible by foot. Shops can be hopped without ever needing a vehicle, and many of the locals do not own a vehicle at all. But outside of this pristine paradise island, Hawaii is a bit inaccessible. A long term car rental in Honolulu area may just be required to hit all the hot spots, especially for those huge vacation getaways that allow visitors a week or two (or more) in this tropical paradise.

Things to Consider for a Long Term Car Rental in Honolulu

It is easy to find a nice rental, but it does take a little looking about. Always consider the amount of luggage that will need to be monitored. Large parties will only gain more luggage as they purchase goods and shop items. It is also worth keeping an eye on items. Thieves in Hawaii can spot a rental car with relative ease, so be cautious of leaving things in the vehicle when the windows are cracked or the items are visible. Some specific models may not be available, so calling for in advance is necessary for booking that exact special ride. With all the off-road areas, jeeps have become very popular options. Individuals can get out and about through the beach on a 4×4 wrangler, and the rates remain fair. It depends on where one wants to go and how far into

Savings Here and There

There are multitudes of ways to roll back the car rental budget. Early returns reward buyers with a surcharge credit on top of any additional costs of renting the vehicle for that period of time. This could be effective if one decides to take that last day for a walk into the city or to the beach. Group savings and general coupons can often be found online. The average surcharge rate is $15 a day, but VIP Car Rental in Hawaii provides rentals with a surcharge of $12.95. For long term rental periods, this adds up to a modest sum of money.

The best rats for car rentals can be found during off seasons. Consider traveling during the slower seasons to find considerable savings. Special contracted rates are posted often.

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