In the unlikely event that you or a member of your family is involved in an automobile accident in St. Petersburg, you should contact a car accident lawyer immediately. This is because it is the first and most important step in getting compensation. This professional will assist you in the following ways.
Car accident lawyers have unlimited access to information relating to accident scenes. Without help from legal experts, it can be difficult to get accident scene details that are invaluable in your compensation claim. The information relates to a driver’s driving record, and shows if a driver was negligent or driving under the influence at the time of the accident. An automobile accident lawyer will also get witness accounts before their testimonies are compromised by forgetfulness due to passage of time. Other useful information gathered includes accident scene reconstructions, medical reports, satellite images and opinions of automotive engineers and other professionals.
Automobile accidents in St. Petersburg are caused by many reasons. These include driver fatigue, over speeding, improper lane changes, by pass inspections, negligence and poor visibility. It is difficult to prove that a driver is culpable without the help of legal experts. This could lead to your compensation claim being rejected by an insurance company or a court of law. Car accident lawyers are helpful because, after compiling the evidence collected, they compile solid and irrefutable proof which shows you are eligible for compensation.
Lawyers are knowledgeable of the current laws relating to automobile accidents in St. Petersburg. They will advise you on the best course of action and inform you on your rights and responsibilities under the law. This is to assist you to make the best decision regarding your case and to help you act fast to avoid your claim from being invalidated by the statute of limitations. Car accident lawyers will handle all the paperwork and lengthy procedures to allow you to recuperate or carry on with your busy lifestyle.
Insurance companies may contact you shortly after the accident in an attempt at offering you a quick settlement to prevent you from furthering the compensation claim. It is important to have a car accident lawyer present during such negotiations because he or she will ensure that the amount you receive is sufficient. This is because your lawyer will take into consideration the fact that you could be suffering from permanent, life-threatening, career-ending or long-lasting injuries. He or she will also ensure that you are compensated for emotional and physical pain, and suffering. If it is discovered that your injuries are permanent, your lawyer will assist you to recover sufficient compensation to adequately cater for lost earnings and lifetime living expenses and medical costs. If the accident resulted from drinking under the influence by a driver, you may be awarded punitive damages, in addition to, actual damages.
In the event that the insurance company rejects your claim or offers an insignificant amount in compensation, your lawyer can threaten court action, and can include a claim of bad faith in the lawsuit. This is one of the most effective ways to speed up compensation from the insurance company. If your lawyer discovers that the amount offered by insurance companies is insignificant, he or she will help you recover the balance from your underinsured motor benefits if you have them in your insurance cover. Your lawyer will represent you in a court of law if negotiations with insurance companies are not fruitful.
You will receive free initial consultation from your lawyer, which is advantageous because during the first meeting, you will be advised on whether there are sufficient grounds to file a claim. Automobile accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will only pay for their legal expertise after they have successfully assisted you get compensation.
Feel free to contact a car accident lawyer if you have been involved in an automobile accident in St. Petersburg. You can also checkout website for reference so that you can be compensated for your lost wages, pain, suffering and damage to property.